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County Executive Steuart Pittman,
Anne Arundel County
Clerk of the Circuit Court Scott Poyer,
Anne Arundel County
Anne Arundel County Elected Officials:
Councilwoman Allison Pickard
Councilman Andrew Pruski Candidate for State Delegate
Councilwoman Lisa Rodvien
City of Annapolis Elected Officials:
Mayor Gavin Buckley
Alderwoman Sheila Finlayson, Ward 4
Alderwoman Rhonda Pendell Charles, Ward 3
Alderman Brooks Schandelmeier, Ward 5
AFL-CIO (American Federation of Labor & Congress of Industrial Organizations
State of Maryland Elected Officials:
Senator Pam Beidle
Delegate Heather Bagnall
Delegate Mike Rogers
Candidates for Office:
Candidate for Delegate Courtney Buiniskis, District 30B
Candidate for Sheriff Warren Porter
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